In a historic election, ten states included abortion-related referendums on their ballots to force late-term abortion into their state constitutions. Seven of those states received enough support to usher in unquestioned late-term abortion, after intensive abortion industry investment and mainstream media propaganda campaigns. States like Maryland, Colorado, and New York may not have surprised many with their laws allowing abortion up until birth, but the passage of the measures in Missouri and Arizona, even with narrow margins, signals more complex issues at play.

The Pro-Life Generation’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPA) conducted a national exit poll in 9 of the 10 ballot referendum states to determine what motivated younger voters and explore whether a “yes” vote matched their true convictions on abortion.

Key Findings:

  • Pro-life & pro-abortion voters agreed on one thing: Abortion motivated their vote with a slight advantage for LIFE.
  • More than 7 in 10 voted against their values: An overwhelming majority, 73%, supported limits on abortion.
  • Three out of four (75%) who voted “No” prioritized limiting abortion through all 9 months.
  • “Word of mouth” & conversations informed voter opinion more than any other marketing tactic.