Approximately 10 years ago, Students for Life of America researched Planned Parenthood locations in operation nationwide evaluating their proximity to college campuses. At that time, the project concluded that 79% of Planned Parenthood facilities were located within five miles of a college campus. In 2023, given the reversal of Roe, there was an interest in determining whether Planned Parenthood’s apparent corporate strategy to operate facilities within close proximity to college campuses had continued or had the policy change resulted in an impact on locations Prior to the overturning of Roe, nine states Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin maintained abortion limits that would take effect in the event of Roe being reversed (i.e. “trigger laws” in the verbiage of the abortion industry). Within these particular states, it was also of interest to determine if Planned Parenthood locations remained open, targeting young people.  

This study yielded THREE primary findings to be used as a baseline for formulating strategy in the pro-life movement…


In the last 10 years, the nation’s number one abortion vendor, Planned Parenthood, has increased its proximity to college campuses. This should not be a disheartening statistic, but rather a market signal from the most influential pro-abortion stakeholder in the United States that the pro-life movement stands the most to gain by prioritizing providing education opportunities and resources to college students.  

Considering that community colleges represent more than 24% of higher education institutions in the United States yet are often the least served with resources, this demographic could especially benefit from the reinvigorated attention of the pro-life movement. Students who unexpectedly find themselves in unplanned pregnancies should be provided necessary support from the pro-life movement to both successfully parent their children and continue to pursue their education.  

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