Pro-Life Generation’s Students for Life of America (SFLA) & Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPA) with the Clapham Group Poll Identifies Common Ground in Bi-Partisan Support for Helping Families; Concern with Reckless Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills; And Finds that 30% of Registered Voters are MORE LIKELY to Support Limits an Abortion when There is Help for Families in Crisis 


The strong 30% number mirrors an IPA/SFLA YouGov Poll that found 31% of registered Youth Voters will Support Limits on Abortion when Support is in Place 


Families today are building the infrastructure of all society tomorrow and their present survival leads to all our future wellbeing. Their needs must be our priority. 


OVERVIEW: In a political season charged with discussion of the abortion issue, an emerging divide is developing between the two parties that finds one side loyal to abortion above all else, and another, representing the views of most Americans, looking for less abortion. Those who chose life are too often ignored in the debate, including those focused on how to help families at a crossroads, though investing in their needs benefits all. Without social support, young families may choose not to bring life into the world, a cultural loss of not simply vital taxpayers — especially given a collapsing Social Security framework – but of our future social support in doctors, lawyers, teachers, and workers of all kinds. Families today are building the infrastructure of all society tomorrow and their present survival leads to all our future wellbeing. Their needs must be our priority.   


A WELL-ESTABLISHED TREND: The marriage of support for limits on abortion when combined with more support for young families represents strong common ground for the Pro-Life Movement with the broader culture, as well as a place for political leaders to connect with newly motivated voters. In this poll of voters across the board, 30% said they were MORE LIKELY to support limits on abortion when a safety net is in place. This dovetails with an IPA/SFLA poll earlier this year of registered youth voters, in which 31% said strong social protections would increase their support of abortion limits.   


HELP IS ON THE WAY: Much of the pro-life movement is focused on helping pregnant and parenting young families. Pregnancy Care Centers, fueled by volunteers and donations, help pregnant and parenting families and are among the vital framework of support at the local, state, and federal levels, as detailed at Pro-Life Generation’s Standing with You initiative. Such a project, by the umbrella organization under which Students for Life of America (SFLA) operates, represents the kind of commitment from the pro-life community, shared by the Clapham Group,  for ensuring that in those vital first and early days – sometimes called the FOURTH TRIMESTER – young lives have the same vital support they needed in the womb.   


Together in original polling, Pro-Life Generation and the Clapham Group, explored support for those protections and programs designed to embrace young families – and of interest to Americans across the political spectrum as well as all demographics. Strong families make strong nations and are the best place in which to care for our most vulnerable, perhaps because in love, we sacrifice for one another. The policy discussed represents proposals outlined in political races across the country relevant to such a time as this.  


“There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of humans, are created, strengthened and maintained.” – Winston Churchill 


Also of note, the polling also explored commonsense limits based on health and safety risks of the most common form of abortion – Chemical Abortion Pills. By large margins, registered voters embraced support for young families along with health and safety standards for Chemical Abortion Pills, representing strong, solid, and bi-partisan ground for public policy in the days ahead – no matter who is in office.  


Registered voters of all political persuasions and demographics resoundingly supported helping young families – something that political leaders looking to reach hearts and minds should consider.   


METHODOLOGY: The Clapham Group recently added questions to an Online Survey among 1,005 Registered Voters. This quantitative research was conducted between August 1-2, 2024. Sampling controls were used to ensure that a proportional and representative number of voters were interviewed from such demographic groups as age, gender, race, and geographic region. The margin of error is ± 3.0% at the 95% confidence interval for the overall survey, and M.O.E.s for subgroups are larger.   


POLLSTER: KAConsulting LLC, headed by Kellyanne Conway.  




Practical Support for Young Families & Their Needs have Bi-Partisan Support 


Three out of Four Support Paid Family & Medical Leave 


Voters want to empower young families with children with almost three out of four (74%), supporting a national paid family leave and medical leave policy. This popular program is outlined in the first pillar of the Blueprint for Life, “Providing Parents with Flexible Resources to Support Birth and Early Childhood.” (Only 6% opposed.) Pro-Life Generation CEO Kristan Hawkins details the benefits of such programming HERE.   


More than Seven in 10 want an Expanded Child Tax Credit 


Voters – Republican and Democrats – love a Child Tax Credit by more than seven in 10 (71%), something that has been supported by dueling statements among former President Trump and his Vice-Presidential Pick, Sen. J.D. Vance, along with Vice President Kamala Harris. In fact, 85% of Republicans embraced, along with 75% of Democrats. Support among men was even higher than support among women – 74% and 69% respectively. Students for Life Action (SFLAction), part of the Pro-Life Generation, has long supported such policies.   


Six out of 10 Registered Voters Want to Cut Out-of-Pocket Costs for Pregnancy and Childbirth for those with Private Insurance 


Voters by a margin of 6 out of 10 backed a proposal to eliminate out-of-pocket costs for pregnancy and childbirth via private insurance, and Hispanic voters love this concept with 68% supporting. This is a policy idea that has been championed by Sen. J.D. Vance, with SFLAction ground-floor support.   



Almost Two out of Three More Likely to Vote for Candidates Who Support Family & Medical Leave 


Voters embrace politicians who take care of young families. Two out of three voters (65%) are MORE LIKELY to support Congressional Candidates who support a national paid family leave and medical leave policy. More services for women are popular with young voters as well, read more here.  


A Strong Plurality Support a Cash Incentives to Encourage Those Growing Their Families 


More voters than not (40%) supported former President Trump’s proposal of a “Baby Bump,” a cash incentive for young families launch the next baby boom to build up our nation. To learn more about the declining U.S. (and world) birth rate along with a declining population, click here. 


Almost a THIRD of Voters are MORE LIKELY to Support Limits on Abortion When Support for Families Increased 


When considering limits on abortion, almost three in 10 voters said they would be MORE LIKELY to support them when increased support for young families is available by state and federal governments – a significant increase in support for limits when combined with support for families. TO NOTE: The Pro-Life Generation has explored this marriage of support for families with increased support in past polling. With YouGov, Pro-Life Generation’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement found that this leads to minds changed when it comes to the issue of abortion, something that most Americans do not celebrate despite the media hype. Of registered youth voters, 31% reported that they were MORE LIKELY to support limits on abortion when strong support is in place, a significant percentage from those considered extremely pro-abortion.   


More than Nine in 10 Identified a Supportive Program they Wanted to See Championed 


More than nine in 10 voters chose one or more programs that they would support, with only 8% saying they wanted no such help available. The list of support discussed included:  


  • Keeping healthcare costs for pregnancy and birth affordable.  
  • Paid family leave for new parents that gives them time with their newborn child without sacrificing income  
  • Education and support services focusing on educating new parents about childcare, health, and child development  
  • Child tax credits for eligible families  
  • Child health and development programs that provide resources for early childhood development, such as home visitation programs, parenting classes, and early intervention services for developmental delays  
  • Childcare subsidies to make childcare more affordable to single mothers or low-income families  
  • Workplace support programs such as nursing spaces and childcare  
  • College/university support programs such as nursing spaces and childcare  
  • Child support from the father to the mother that begins during pregnancy  


BOTTOMLINE: When asked specific questions about whether to assist young families, most people answer with a resounding YES, something that political leaders of all parties can embrace not only as bipartisan but as sound public policy.  





Commonsense Limits on the Reckless Online, No Test Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills Continue to be Embraced by Voters 


In a harsh economic environment, the Democratic Party has not focused on eliminating the suffering caused by their policies leading to the family-crushing realities of inflation with its rising food, shelter, and fuel costs. Rather, a focus has emerged on fast-tracking abortion by mail without health and safety standards in place to protect women and girls from injury, infertility, and death, as well as protection from abusers and safeguards for the environment. Rather than address the suffering, their preferred policy is ending the lives of those who might suffer with abortion by recklessly distributing dangerous Chemical Abortion Pills by mail. Front and center in this campaign are the radical changes in policy related to Chemical Abortion Pills, a completely federalized push first by President Bill Clinton, then Barack Obama, and later Joe Biden. But what safety protocols have we lost along the way?   


Safeguards dismantled by Democratic Party Administrations include:   


  • Ultrasounds to determine location of the pregnancy and length of pregnancy as Chemical Abortion Pills do not end an ectopic pregnancy (one that takes hold outside of the womb and is life threatening) and do not always work later in pregnancy. Ultrasounds also can be used to determine if the pregnancy continues, as infection can set in when the abortion is not complete, which is also life threatening.  
  • Blood testing for Rh-negative status and a Rhogam shot for Rh-negative women and girls quickly after an abortion. When there is an exchange of blood in pregnancy – by birth, miscarriage, or abortion – and a mother’s blood comes into contact with her baby’s blood, deadly antibodies can form. If those are not neutralized with a Rhogam shot, infertility can be the result when the antibodies attack future pregnancies.  
  • Informed Consent and Verified Identity. The failure to inform women about the dangerous side effects of the deadly drugs along with the reckless distribution to abusers, sex traffickers, and bad actors of all kinds puts women at risk. Making sure that women are not being coerced or abuses as well as informed should continue to be demanded when distributing a dangerous drug.   


Also important, neglect of the environment, as pathological medical waste – chemically tainted blood and placenta tissue along with human remains – are flushed into America’s drinking water as today at least six in 10 abortions are committed with pills, according to the abortion industry apologists and spokespeople at the Guttmacher Institute. To be clear, this math cannot be verified as there is no National Abortion Reporting Law, and much of what is reported about abortion numbers comes from what abortionists are willing to report, and some states like California report nothing at all.   


With YouGov,  Pro-Life Generation’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement has engaged in cutting-edge polling on the fine print of how these drugs are actually handled, with a focus on the Youth Vote, available for comparison, as the generation most targeted for abortion strongly supported the protections, usually by margins of more than nine in 10.   


With a pool of registered voters, the KAConsulting polling found similar strong support for a return to health and safety standards.   


Register voters of all ages by a margin of seven in 10 supported some or all of the health and safety standards outlined above, though sadly three in 10 wanted no safeguards in place, preferring women’s lives and fertility to be at risk. 


It is a tragedy that the Biden-Harris Administration’s rush to push Chemical Abortion Pill policies harm the women they claim to care about. With women’s safety thrown aside, along with the concern for human beings in the womb as well as the environment, only two groups benefit: Abortion Pill Distributors (who reduce costs, time, and trouble through deregulation) and the Politicians benefiting from their donations.   


This is a marriage of inconvenience for those who care about women, girls, and their children, born and preborn.   



CONCLUSION: Rather than embracing reckless and blind support of the number one means of abortion in America and the world – Chemical Abortion Pills – registered voters want to see protection in place. That some commonsense concern extends to young families, balancing the early days of career with the high demands of young children – and all the costs that go with it.   


With an eye toward practical solutions, this polling shows that politicians of all parties will gain support even as they do the right thing in providing tangible help to those raising the next generation.